Personal Life Insurance

A Personalized Life Insurance Plan is a very important and cost effective way to take care of all your family’s needs including mortgage and loan protection, income replacement and funeral expenses.

Simply your life insurance by consolidating all your policies with one personalized and professionally design insurance plan. Guaranteed protection for your family plus save you money.

Plans include: Term Life Insurance – Permanent Universal Life Insurance- Permanent    Whole Life Insurance – Term/Permanent Hybrid Life Insurance


Life ins easy to apply

Do you have your mortgage or loan life insured through your lender? Here are some important facts to consider about having it personally insured:

When you own a personal life insurance policy….

  • You own the policy and designate the beneficiary….not the lender.
  • Your coverage will not decrease….lender insurance will only cover a declining mortgage balance while paying the same or higher premiums.
  • Your coverage continues after the mortgage is paid….lender insurance expires after the mortgage is paid.
  • You are in control of your policy and premiums are guaranteed….the lender may change the premium or cancel a policy at any time.
  • Your policy follows you if you change lenders….lender insurance may not be transferable to another lender or mortgage.
  • Your coverage is guaranteed when you apply….lender insurance may assess your eligibility only after a surviving spouse makes a claim leaving you unsure of your coverage.

Mortgage what is PMI

Income Replacement is perhaps the most important aspect of a family’s life insurance plan. In the event of the death of a spouse, the surviving spouse is left with only his or her income leaving the family in a serious situation if that income is not sufficient to carry on with financial commitments. Term Life Insurance is a very cost effective way to protect the family in case of this income loss. 


Peace family

Are your final expenses covered? While nobody likes to talk about it, funeral expense is a reality for each and every one of us and with a typical funeral costing from $10,000 – $15,000, many families may not be properly prepared for this expense.

Unfortunately, this becomes a financial burden for our loved ones left behind. Make sure all members of your family have considered this in their insurance plans.

Funeral couple


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